Dreams Are Your Potential Waiting to Become Reality!
Mind Body Wellness Solutions for Health, Wealth, & Living Your Purpose, Based on Your Unique Type.
Jaya Jaya Myra is a globally recognized thought leader in consciousness, spirituality and mind body wellness.
Her best selling books are published in 10 languages and sold worldwide. Her TEDx talk shows the intricate connections between purpose and health, and how living ones purpose is integral to health and wellbeing.
Jaya Jaya Myra teaches people how to leverage their unique mental, emotional and physical body constitution to overcome every obstacle in life and to create the life of their choosing, through highly personalized mind-body-soul wellness techniques, based on each person’s unique elemental and guna type.
This practical and integral approach to spirituality and consciousness has made her a highly sought after motivational speaker and media contributor. Her positive life-embracing and empowering message is greatly needed to create the confident, conscious impact makers this world currently needs.
TV Wellness Lifestyle Expert
Jaya Jaya Myra is a regular national TV & media guest considered the mind-body “Wellness Lifestyle Expert”. She engages audiences with ease through uplifting educational content, showing people practical, simple ways to improve their lives.
Jaya Jaya Myra’s TEDx Talk
TEDxWilmingtonWomen - Is Living Your Purpose The Key To Health And Wellness?
As Featured In:
Bylines & Wellness Articles by Jaya Jaya Myra
Books by Jaya Jaya Myra
Jaya Jaya Myra’s newest book, The Soul of Purpose, looks at the intersection of spirituality, purpose and health and shows the profound connection between your life’s purpose, your innate talents and gifts, your body composition and your overall wellbeing. It also discusses how racial and social equality are connected to health and mindset, and what we can all do to make the world a better place.
Explore the dynamic relationship between energy and health, and determine which healing techniques work best for you. With simple questions designed to reveal your energy type, physical-body type, temperament, and purpose, Vibrational Healing, now available in 10 languages and sold worldwide, is the perfect guide to creating a more balanced, vibrant, and healthy life.