About Jaya Jaya Myra
I'm a best-selling author, TEDx & motivational speaker, consciousness teacher and mind-body wellness expert teaching people the connections between purpose, spirituality and health.
After healing myself naturally from debilitating fibromyalgia when conventional treatments failed, I developed a consciousness based wellness lifestyle blueprint called The WELL Method. The WELL Method shows why one-size-fits-all solutions don’t work for everyone and how to find exactly what works for you based on your unique elemental composition and unique purpose in life.
My debut book, Vibrational Healing: Attain Balance & Wholeness. Understand Your Energetic Type, published in 10 languages and available worldwide, discusses how to find health and mindfulness that work for your unique type. My 2nd book, The Soul of Purpose, discusses The WELL Method and a step-by-step approach to understand how purpose is connected to physical, mental and emotional health.
The WELL Method has helped people worldwide find the missing link between spirituality, purpose and health, while showing a clear personalized path to find and live your purpose, all while attaining individual health, lifestyle, career and personal goals. My background as a research scientist gives me the unique insight and ability to bridge the gap between Eastern and Western approaches to health.

“My mission is to teach simple and practical approaches to mind body wellness that makes a difference in peoples lives.”
- Jaya Jaya Myra
My Personal Journey
My life is a testimony to the work I do. After becoming seriously ill and having my doctor label me as "disabled" with fibromyalgia, I had to find a way to heal myself. I also suffered from both anxiety and depression, despite having a good life. I took mind-body-spirit practices I was learning from Eastern spiritual traditions to heart, applied core principles to my life and found a way to heal what conventional medical treatment could not.
Not only did I regain my health, I reclaimed my life and shaped it into exactly what I want it to be, and continue to do so. I quickly learned the journey I was taking to find and live my purpose, and be of service to the world, was the exact same journey that was making me physically healthy.
I first received Guru initiation in my late 20’s from Swami Sri Atmananda founder of Satyachetana ashram and studied the Bhagavad Gita in depth, also learning an integral yoga philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. In my early 30’s I went on to receive full initiation into the Sri Vidya tradition from Guruji Amritananda Natha Saraswati, founder of Devipuram ashram.
Both of these amazing Gurus, and other teachers I learned from along the way were all householders, strongly encouraging people to be active, dynamic participants in the world and to make a difference. I find this to be profoundly important, particularly for people in the West who live active lives, have careers, relationships and want to live their dharma, their life's purpose, to make an impact. They were profound examples that you don’t have to take vows of renunciation and walk away from relationships or life to be deeply spiritual and in touch with God. We need many more people like this who are deeply conscious, clear and powerful impact makers to make needed change in the world.
I like to create impact, and help other people to do the same. On a personal level, I love to sing, ballroom dance and stay active. I’ve been told I have an adventurous spirit. I’m a *huge* fan of and advocate for the arts, as they help people build character and confidence. I believe you have to stand up for what you believe in, or life is not worth living. And I know that love is where you find God on Earth and in your everyday life. The most beautiful, mysterious things can be experienced through the most practical, if you know how, and I hope to show more people how to find beauty and joy in day to day life.

“The physical body has the amazing ability to heal itself, when you learn to work with it, not against it. By learning the core principles your body is made of, you give yourself the necessary fuel to succeed with health, lifestyle and your spiritual connection.”
- Jaya Jaya Myra
Other Jaya Jaya Myra Initiatives
Jaya Jaya Myra Productions
I believe we need to be active, dynamic impact makers in our society, and give of our skills and innate talents to make the world a better place. In support of that, I’m the President and CEO of Jaya Jaya Myra Productions, also known as Jaya PR or JJMP, a full-scale communications, PR and marketing agency headquartered in New York City. We focus on purpose-driven clients that are evolving their industries in various ways to make them better, and ultimately to make the world a better place.
Gita for the Masses
I’m also the Founder and Executive Director of the 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Gita for the Masses, created to help people overcome obstacles and be victorious in life. Gita for the Masses uses consciousness based teachings and empowerment practices to help people overcome their limitations and be conscious impact makers in society.