Motivation for my TEDx Talk


So, as some of you know, I’ve been preparing to give a TEDx talk. I’ll announce more about that soon. It’s really got me thinking and taking stock of what’s important to me in life. When I look deep inside my heart as to what I hope to get out of doing this talk, the single resounding answer I get is to motivate and inspire people to be fully themselves, and not to listen to whatever societal norms or expectations are holding you back from your purpose and true happiness.  

I hope this talk inspires many people, but even if it only causes 1 person to make a fundamental shift in their perspective and life, it’ll be completely worth it. I can’t focus on anything else right now! Now even “work” or making money, lol. You know, that thing most people are driven by. I love money, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not a motivating factor for me and never has been. When you do what you’re supposed to do, abundance will be in your life.

If this talk were a wake-up call to a single person and it caused them to fundamentally shift their trajectory for the better, I’d be 100% satisfied and the many hours I’m putting into this will be worth it. So that is my prayer and the clear intention I’m speaking to the universe: let this talk inspire many people, and let it fundamentally change the life of at least 1 person, for the better. Tathaastu!

Jaya Jaya Myra

I'm Giving a TEDx Talk!


A Dream or a Fantasy?