Published Articles by Jaya Jaya Myra
Jaya Jaya Myra writes on topics related to health, wellness, mind-body harmony, purpose and spirituality.

The biggest hurdle we face is being uniquely ourselves. It seems that everything in our society, including religions, upbringing and educational systems teach us a way to be and to think, putting a label of right and wrong on ideas from an early age.

The Two Extremes of Being Uniquely You
The biggest hurdle we face is being uniquely ourselves. It seems that everything in our society, including religions, upbringing and educational systems teach us a way to be and to think, putting a label of right and wrong on ideas from an early age. People learn to believe what they’ve been told and not to cultivate their own experiential understanding (which by the way is wisdom: wisdom is knowledge that has been directly experienced and integrated into one’s understanding).

It’s All Relative
A concept that people latch onto when pursuing a spiritual path is the notion of an absolute reality; that God, spirituality, consciousness or whatever you want to call it supersedes everything else. This can lead to seeing things as black and white, true or untrue (or worse yet, relevant and irrelevant), which in and of itself causes duality in one’s thought process. And remember, the idea behind spirituality is to unite consciousness so that we no longer see anything as separate from God.

Another Post on Love (Valentines Day Addition)
As you may know, Valentine’s Day is one of my favorites times of year. I love the idea that there is a whole day devoted to the concept of love, and I’ve felt this way since I was a small child. The idea of love is heightened when we feel romance or are in a relationship, but it goes so far beyond this. I’ve been single on Valentine’s Day for the last 6 years, but each year it just seems to get better and better anyways. I believe this is because love starts with how you relate to yourself and to your purpose for living.