Published Articles by Jaya Jaya Myra
Jaya Jaya Myra writes on topics related to health, wellness, mind-body harmony, purpose and spirituality.

5 Powerful Ways to Shift Your Mindset During COVID-19 and Beyond
Now more than ever, people are looking to lifestyle solutions to improve their quality of living. Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed everyone’s lives, for both better and worse. One of the positive side effects in times of crisis is the re-evaluation of one’s life; what’s working and what’s not. The pressure brought on by massive change that’s beyond your control can help you make both major and minor shifts in lifestyle.

Nutrition and Its Impact on Mood and Mental Health
It’s National Nutrition Month, and here are some things about nutrition you may not have known.
When you think of nutrition, what comes to mind? The food pyramid many of us grew up with? Getting the vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy through the food you eat? What about the impact food and nutrients have on mood and mental health?

Prebiotics and Probiotics Can Help Your Kids De-stress and Excel
It’s no surprise that kids are facing more stress than ever before. Global online learning platform Brainly did a national survey in December 2019 where they learned that 59 percent of students have constantly high-stress levels and 53 percent of students reported needing better sleep. Not surprisingly, 53 percent of students also reported needing better time-management skills. What can be done about this, and how can we as parents (covertly, if necessary) lend a helping hand?

Can Sugar Be The Cause of Your Holiday Blues?
Sugar is a very misunderstood food. It tastes good, makes you feel good, and gives you the energy and motivation to do good, so what’s not to love, right? We’re exposed to sugary treats almost everywhere—especially during the holidays. Sugar isn’t your enemy, but before you jump on the holiday dessert train, here are a few things you should know about how sugar impacts your mind, body, and emotions.