Published Articles by Jaya Jaya Myra
Jaya Jaya Myra writes on topics related to health, wellness, mind-body harmony, purpose and spirituality.

You Can’t Eat Sunscreen, but These Foods Could Have Same Effect
Too much sun comes with risk, especially for pale-skinned people. There are nearly 5 million cases of skin cancer diagnosed each year, mostly due to the harmful effects of UV radiation. Luckily, there’s a variety of options you can choose from, including topical sunscreen, sun-protection clothing, and even the food you eat.

Are Probiotics The Future of Skincare?
By now, you probably know the gut’s microbiome plays a large role in health, mood, and overall well-being. These beneficial bacteria and collection of microbes don’t just live in the gut though; they also live on the skin and play an essential role in our skin’s health and well-being. Did you know the microbiota on the skin is the body’s first line of defense against harmful bacteria and other foreign invaders?

5 Powerful Ways to Shift Your Mindset During COVID-19 and Beyond
Now more than ever, people are looking to lifestyle solutions to improve their quality of living. Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed everyone’s lives, for both better and worse. One of the positive side effects in times of crisis is the re-evaluation of one’s life; what’s working and what’s not. The pressure brought on by massive change that’s beyond your control can help you make both major and minor shifts in lifestyle.

Best Foods to Help Your Body Fight the Coronavirus
The virus that causes COVID-19 is like the flu or common cold and, because of that, can’t be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics treat bacterial infections, but not viruses. The key is in prevention, because once you get a viral infection, it has to run its course. Luckily, there are many ways you can reduce your chances of falling ill—and strengthen your body for quicker recovery—including eating the right foods.

Nutrition and Its Impact on Mood and Mental Health
It’s National Nutrition Month, and here are some things about nutrition you may not have known.
When you think of nutrition, what comes to mind? The food pyramid many of us grew up with? Getting the vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy through the food you eat? What about the impact food and nutrients have on mood and mental health?

The Amazing Mind Body Benefits of Sage
I’m sure you know about sage, but do you know how valuable this herb is for your health and overall wellbeing? It’s one of those herbs we’ve all heard about but may not have in the pantry. After reading this, you may just decide to add it to your regular repertoire.

Prebiotics and Probiotics Can Help Your Kids De-stress and Excel
It’s no surprise that kids are facing more stress than ever before. Global online learning platform Brainly did a national survey in December 2019 where they learned that 59 percent of students have constantly high-stress levels and 53 percent of students reported needing better sleep. Not surprisingly, 53 percent of students also reported needing better time-management skills. What can be done about this, and how can we as parents (covertly, if necessary) lend a helping hand?

The Mind Body Benefits of Drinking Tea
I’m a very vocal proponent of drinking tea daily. People ask me all the time why tea is my go-to and not coffee: well, let’s be clear. I drink coffee, too, but tea has so many mind-body wellness benefits to it that there’s no debating its advantages for well-being. Let’s take a look.

Why New Year's Resolutions Fail and How to Make Them Work
Many people see the new year as a great time to set goals. It’s a “new year, new you” mentality, but research from U.S. News and World Report shows that only 20 percent of us succeed with our goals. In other words, 80 percent of us are likely to fail. Yikes, why is this?

Can Sugar Be The Cause of Your Holiday Blues?
Sugar is a very misunderstood food. It tastes good, makes you feel good, and gives you the energy and motivation to do good, so what’s not to love, right? We’re exposed to sugary treats almost everywhere—especially during the holidays. Sugar isn’t your enemy, but before you jump on the holiday dessert train, here are a few things you should know about how sugar impacts your mind, body, and emotions.

The Mood and Medicinal Benefits of Holiday Spices
The holidays are a magical time of year, but they can be pretty hectic too. What if you could get into the holiday spirit by doing something that cut stress and improved your health? You’re in luck! Improving health and well-being this holiday season may be as simple as adding some common holiday spices into your routine. Many spices have powerful mood and medicinal benefits that improve mental health, lift emotional well-being, and boost physical health.

3 Thanksgiving Foods That Boost Mood and Reduce Stress
Thanksgiving is a time of year where we get together with loved ones and reflect on what we are grateful for, but let’s face it: Thanksgiving can be a stressful time for everyone. Visiting with family whose opinions you may not agree with, dealing with travel hassles, conversing with opinionated in-laws, and even just cooking all that food! What if there were a magic pill you could take to deal with all that stress so you could get back to being grateful?

Pumpkin Versus Sweet Potato: The Great Thanksgiving Debate
When it comes to Thanksgiving, there’s one great debate: whether to serve pumpkin or sweet potato. Both can be made in healthy side dishes or tasty desserts, so which should you choose? Surprisingly, your choice may come down to mind–body well-being and what you or your Thanksgiving family most need this holiday season.